понедельник, 15 января 2018 г.

About binary options 95 accurate

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If the underlying is expected that the expected movement within the range of the market. Most of the preceding statement is generally known as home resales) are a daisy amongst weeds, yes. "How We Stumbled Onto Simple And Logical Binary Options Secret Behind Most Profitable Traders That Can Give Anyone Unbelievable Profits With More Than 95% Accuracy " No MT4 use at all , No indicators , No martingale (increase % per lost trade) No "earn $20 for each $2 you lose" or some BS software , No Gambling . Please keep in mind this before you continue reading: In Binary options there are NOT spreads, slippages or Requotes and we need only a tenth of pip in our favor to win the options. We think maybe you know that, but we need you keep it in mind because what we are about to reveal you is based in those advantages. We Are Not Going To Sell You Our Discovery. WE PROMISE THIS IS TOTALLY FREE. Welcome to our site, We are Lender and Jorge, the system creators, and this is the first time something like this is revealed to the public. A big bomb is about to explode in the brokers living rooms and you can take part today. We are not going to tell you the conventional rags to riches story because we are sure you don´t want to read that garbage. Also, in this website we will not show you fake bank accounts, false testimonies or false statements accounts as you have seen in other websites.

We are going to convince you by explaining everything in understandable way, not for showing you Photoshop images and false members accounts. Before you think this is the next big garbage, we invite you to open your senses and see the logical behind the system. Yes, this killer binary options secret is very, extremely "LOGICAL" Please pay attention and do not do not think anything until you read the whole explanation: First. We are the only ones in the entire internet that explain you fully and clearly how the tool works and what having within it. Vendors of "so-called" softwares to make money with Binary Options, never tell you the formula, indicator, logical or whatever their softwares have inside the program. Why? Simple. All that B. S didn´t work, doesn´t work and will not work. And if you could see what is inside their softwares, you will see, MT4 with some indicators or some martingale script. All we know the MT4 indicators only show past and it´s really hard to make money using them, so I don´t understand how they say we can make money with that. Insted, our tool is something different, logical, easy to use and amazinly profitable. Continue reading, this way you can discover what is behind this and why it will be the last thing you´ll use to start making money, lots of it. As you probably know, every month there are many important economic news that move the forex market. They are called: "news releases" and they are part of famous "fundamental analysis". Don´t worry, we know this technique doesn´t work in most MT4 platforms, so, please continue.

Sometime ago we met a secret agent who used a powerful tool to open trades before the impact news release candle begin to form in the MT4 platform. That tool is called: autoclick or clicker and worked amazinly good, because it opened the trade at the very beginning of the candle. Sometimes this candle reached up to 120 pips in just one minute. He paid the spread, and after the minute ended, he had more than 100 pips with a lot size of 5 lots. Wow. He made $5000 in just a minute. Yes, we also used this tool for sometime and made decent amounts of money, but when brokers saw a lot traders milked them in every news release, they began to manipulate the prices, spreads, entries and slippages, so, currently is very hard to take advantage of this technique using this tool in MT4 platforms, but not in Binary Options. How does this tool work and why it is so powerful? When a bank president, or some important person is ready to announce for example the "Gross Domestic Product" (GDP) of hisher country, always there are people very near to them that can catch the information some seconds before the media. This information is filter through electronic channels and can be decoded with a software. This software is the autoclick. In every news release there are 2 important parts: 1- The forecast result . This result is given for the main countries economists, analysts etc. 2- The actual result .

Is the real result, and is posted several minutes after in economic calendars. Now. When the actual result is higher or lower than forecast result , this can affect a particular country currency. For example: if the USA economists said the actual month NFP would be higher than previous month, but this actual result was lower for many percentage points these are very bad news for economy of the country, so the dollar will drop. For this reason a big bearish candlestick is displayed in USDJPY pair in 1 minute chart when this news is released. The difference in percentage points between the forecast result and actual result is called: "Deviation" . So, when this deviation is big (up or down) we are almost 95% for sure that we will get a pretty solid and stable upward or downward movement. This amazing autoclick is capable to receive the data before media, then, it measure the deviation of news release and finally hits automatically the SELL or BUY order before the candlestick begin to form, this way, the autoclick enters the properly order according the specifical deviation without fail. Negative deviation = Sell for sure. Positive deviation = Buy for sure. Here is the magic part.

What if we use this autoclick tool in Binary Options? Well, it´s easy. We touch the glory and lots of money will be waiting for us. Do you remember when I told you that kept in mind that in Binay Options there are NOT spreads, slippages or Requotes and we need only a tenth of pip in our favor to win? Well, for that reason now you understand why this autoclick works. There aren´t all those issues. Our autoclick receive the correct information, and. If the news deviation is good and enough for holding a very stable movement downward or upward, you will hear a voice saying: "Buy" or "Sell" then, immediatly one of the two orders placed will be applied in autopilot. You cancel the other order and see how the money rolls in your account in just 60 seconds. Moreover, if the deviation isn´t enough, then you will hear a voice saying: "No Trade". If a No Trade condition came up, then, any order will be ejected.

Yes, you don´t earn any money if the news was a NO TRADE one, but the most important: "YOU DON´T LOSE MONEY". Then, just cancel both orders, review the news calendar from our website and wait for a second chance. That simple. Every month we have approximately 30 news releases that can be tradeable, but some of them don´t reach enough deviation to open a secure trade, however, almost always from those 30, 10 or more will have good deviations, then we can increase our account up to 40%, 60% even more with those 10 news only. We have members that reach an amazing 300% in just one month, but we recommend you a good money management. A 10% of your account per trade is enough to fill it of money soon. Contrary to forex and other binary options strategies, we are very confident that we will win every trade, so we can take some extra risk and not just 3% or 5% as forex. Here is a video showing the easy work you´ll make using our technique with our tool. If you haven´t read the above explanation fully, please read it before to watch this video for a better understanding. Now, we understand that you are asking yourself: Why these guys are giving away these binary options secrets ? Is there some trap? You know. We understand you completely.

Currently there are a hundred scam systems for each valuable resource on internet. Contrary to other "so-called" winner softwares, we explained you everything behind the tool. We told you how it works and why it works. Furthermore, we never going to tell you how much money you should invest. If you want to trade with $5, do it! If you want to put $500, do it as well. It is up to you the amount you want to put in every trade. We never make a cent if you lose money or if you make money. We are giving away this autoclick tool because when you open a real account with one of the brokers we recommend, those brokers reward us with a commision. With that commision we can pay the right to continue receiving the news releases data on time for our tool. We win, you win and everybody is happy with the pockets full of money :) Things you need to know and understand.

- There are many false reviews of our website and software out there, but that people has not tried the tool. Theirself wrote those "so called" reviews in their websites in order to get some fear in the air. Some of they say that is very risky to test this tool but no one of them, shows proofs that our method fails. All they want, is to track your attention and offer you some of their affiliate products they sell in order to get some money from you by your purchase. So, don´t believe in those reviews. - There are more than 30 news releases that we follow every month, but some of them will not be tradeable because it depends of deviation condition of every particular news. However, we promise that even with this "condition" the tradeable orders will generate you a decent increase in your account on monthly basis. - There will be news releases at different hours across days and weeks. Some of them may be traded in the mornings, evenings, nights or early mornings. It depends of the country where you live. - we can´t guarantee that your account will be increased at the end of every month if you are not present at most times of trading. it´s simple. Do you want money?

Then, you need to trade. - We guarantee to post on time all the news releases calendar at the start of the week, this way you can schedule the work time. - We guarantee that our autoclick always will be working fine. - It´s necessary you have a stable internet connexion when you trade, also it would be fine to have a good speed. - And finally. It´s guaranteed that our method of trading will work for you and it´s extremely rare to lose one trade. If you think this is too good to be true , it's because it is. Now you know all the pros and "cons" if we can call them cons, because they are just some rules that every business worldwide has. Many people is so greed and think they need to open several trades a day to earn lots of money, but finally they ended losing all the money. We prefer to open 3 or 4 secure trades a week and make money consistently than open 20 or more but speculating. With this trading method WE NEVER SPECULATE. A good deviation never lies.

This Video Shows How Easy Is To Trade. Live Trade. How To Get The Free Tool? Well, at this point we are sure that you are a wise person and can see a good and real opportunity here. If you don´t. Don´t worry. soon or later you will be here because you will not find other binary method that tells you the exact day and time you will make money. OK. Please follow the next 2 steps carefully: 1- Click below and type your "most used email" . You´ll receive the next steps to follow immediately. 2- After receiving the instructions, you need to follow all the steps in order to receive the software in your email after 24-48 hours (please check the spam folder because it can be there). Be patient.

We are processing many orders currently. Can I use the autoclicknews tool worldwide? A Yes, you can. As long as the brokers accept your country. Can I use the autoclicknews tool on different IPs (internet connexions)? A Yes, you can. However if we detect a username and password being used from 2 different IPs (internet connexions) or PCs at the same time, the tool is switched off and your account could be disabled. Please avoid drawbacks because you can´t share your login details. Do you recommend some brokers that accept this trading method? A Yes, we work with 2 of the best brokers worldwide. How many trades do you open a month?

A It depends of the news deviations, so it is difficult to give you an answer, but it is very possible to see an increase of 30% in your account in a bad month (rare). Almost always are good or very good. Is your trading method the Binary Options Holy Grail? A Mmm. It could be, however, sometimes you may experience a few and rare losses. If I open 10 tradeable news. How many will I win? A It´s very easy to win 8 out of 10 or 9 out of 10. Even 10 out of 10. Are you reliable people? A Yes, We are. We don´t offer BS softwares through affiliates systems or false names. We want you make money, because this way we can pay the data we receive every month for our tool with brokers rewards. Do you accept affiliates? I would like to sell your method for a commision.

A Sorry, NO. We want people who trust in us. If we put an affiliate program, the people could think that we make our money for sales and not for trading in Binary options. Can I share this website? A Yes, you can help someone to change hisher economic situation sharing this website. We are confident these people will be grateful with you forever. How long do you take to send my login details once I have completed everything correctly? A We took about 24 to 48 hours. Please be patient because we are processing many orders currently. How do I know what news releases to trade? A We´ll put a weekly calendar at the start of every week. Can I use the tool in MT4 platform for trading the news releases in forex? Yes, of course, but keep in mind the cons (spreads, slippages, requotes).

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profit per month. IG Trading Robot is a fully automated trading software specially designed for trading profitably with IG. com Trading Platform. Can trade profitability indeces, forex (foreign exchange market, currencies), cryptocurrency, shares (stock market), commodities, bonds and rates, ETFs. Can grow trading accounts quickly with low risk. $1500 FOR 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION. Binary Options Auto Trader. Binary Options Auto Trader 300% profit per month! 100% Binary Auto Trader for Metarader based brokers such as Core Liqudity Markets, NoaFX, GDMFX, GoMarkets, Grandcapital, WForex and others. Based on Neural Networks Algorithm. Built-in account protection and risk management system. Dukascopy Binary Options Robot 50+ trades per day! 100% Automated Binary Options Robot for Dukascopy broker! Trades 60 second and 15 minutes Binary Options.

Has built-in deposit protection, risk management system. 75%-90% Win-rate. $1500 FOR 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION. Metatrader - Nadex Trade Copier. Metatrader Nadex Trade Copier copy trades from MT4 directly to your Nadex Trading Platform and implement trades. Instant. Reliable. Allows to test and automate any trading method, and to trade on full auto pilot directly from Metatrader. Works for any asset. Nadex Trading Robot is a fully automated trading software specially designed for trading profitably with Nadex Binary Options.

50+ trades per day! 100% Automated! Has built-in deposit protection, money management system. Based on Neural Networks low-risk method. $1500 FOR 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION. Probabilistic Binary Options Signals Indicator. Probabilistic Binary Options Signals Indicator for Metatrader Generates 90% accurate, reliable, winning trading signals. Non-Repainting! The advanced Indicator instructs trader or investor when to buy and when to sell if it is profitable. Binary Options Trade Signals. 10 and 15 minutes Binary Options Trade Signals Indicator for Metatrader (MT4). 83% daily win-rate!

30+ trading signals a day! 100% Non REPAINTING! 100% RELIABLE! The Binary Options (BO) Signals Indicator will advise you when high quality trading opportunities arise. IQ Option Trade Copier. Relax while IQ Option Trade Copier Plugin trades in your stead. IQ Option Trade Copier copies trades from Metatrader directly to your IQ Option Platform. Automates any profitable method and allows to trade on full auto pilot. Copies trades instantly and reliably. Binary Options Trade Copier. Binary Options Trade Copier. Copies trades from Metatrader directly to your Binary Options Platform and implements trades at your broker's account. Instant. Reliable.

Automates any profitable method and allows to trade on full auto pilot directly from Metatrader. Forex Prediction Indicator. Neural Networks Forex Prediction Indicator for Metatrader. Generates 90% accurate trading signals. Up to 250% profit per month! Predicts high, low, close price, price movement direction. 100% Non-Repainting! Works with any currency pairs, any time frames. Forex Robot Intraday Scalper. It is the best forex scalping robot that you can use and can grow even the smallest of trading accounts into HUGE accounts in very quick time without you having to lift a finger! Forex Intraday Scalper EA analyses the Forex market for you to find the best entry and exit points.

250% profit per month. Max drawdown 3.5%. 100% automated trading. Intelligent forex trading robot (forex robot or EA) for Metatrader based on Neural Networks and genetic algorithm. Self-learning and self-updating Robot opens positions with 90% probability of success. Metatrader - Interactive Brokers Bridge. Metatrader - Interactive Brokers Trader Copier Bridge is a programmable extension for Trader Workstation (TWS), which lets you trade manually or automatically directly from Metatrader (MT4, MT5). Automates any method. 300% profit per month. Max drawdown 10%. 90% successful trades. 100% automated trading.

Intelligent forex trading robot (forex robot or EA) for Metatrader based on Neural Networks. Forex Robot Scalper shows a large number of trades per day, with minimum loss-making. Nadex Signals and Prediction Indicator is specially designed for trading profitably with Nadex Binary Options. 90% ITM Nadex Signals. 50+ signals per day. Make consistent profit with the best and most reliable Nadex Signals Indicator. Bitcoin Prediction Indicator. 90% accurate Bitcoin Prediction Indicator for Metatrader based on Neural Networks Algorith. Generates streaming real-time predictions and trading signals. The indicator is non-repainting. Predicts price, price movement direction, detects reversal points. IQ Option Robot trades Binary Options 100% automated. 75%-90% daily winning rate!

50-100 trades per day. Based on Neural Networks Algorithm. Intelligent IQ Option Robot automatically generates signals, setup lot size, has account protections system. IQ Option Robot Multi. IQ Option Robot Multi trades 9 charts in the same time and wins. 100% automated. 75%-90% daily winning rate! 50-100 trades per day. No martingale. Low risk method.

Intelligent IQ Option Robot automatically generates signals, setup lot size, has account protections system. Olymp Trade Robot simply the best safe and secure automatic trading software, time and time again it will help the user maximize the profit on their binary options trading. Olymp Trade Robot Robot trades Binary Options 100% automated. 75%-90% daily winning rate! Copy trades instantly and reliably between different computers through internet all over the world and between different MT4 Terminals running on the same computer. Compatible on any MT4 platform with any Forex broker. Copy all types Market orders. Binary Options Robot. 300%+ profit per month! 100+ trades per day! 100% Automated Binary Options Robot for web-based brokers!

Trades 60 second and 30 second Binary Options. Has built-in deposit protection, money management system. Automatically executes trades direct to your linked broker account. $1500 FOR 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION. Looking for profitable binary options signals and Autotraders? There are INCREDIBLE BINARY OPTION SIGNALS THAT LEAD YOU TO SUCCESS. Binary Options Signals Indicator (Metatrader 5 based). 90% daily win-rate. 50+ signals per day. Non-Repainting!

Works with any broker. Based on Neural Networks. Binary Options Signals On NinjaTrader. 60 second Binary Options Signals Indicator (NinjaTrader based). 90% daily win-rate, reliable, winning trading signals. 70+ signals per day. Non-Repainting! Super accurate! Easy to use, works with any broker, any assets. Synchronized with any binary options platform.

Based on Neural Networks. The Gold Trading Robot has been developed for GOLD 1H and SILVER 1H. 360% profit per-month. Maximum drawdown 10%. 90% winning trades. 100% automated trading. Longterm method. Each order is protected by Stop Loss and Take Profit. Fully optimized settings. Online Stock Predictor. 90% accurate. Generates real-time streaming trading signals.

Has installed streaming live data feed for all time frames. Predicts price, price movement direction, trend, generates trading signals. No need to install. New signals are delivered dynamically to the real-time chart. $260 FOR 1 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION. Online Forex Predictor. Trade like a Hedge Fund with accurate high profitable Forex Predictive Signals. Based on pairs trading market neutral, statistical arbitrage, longshort and spread trading is the most popular and profitable trading method among hedge funds. Profit per month 300-700 pips. $260 FOR 1 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION. Online Gold Predictor.

95% accurate. Forecasts price, price movement direction, trend, generates buysell signals. Non-repainting! Generates real-time streaming trading signals. Has installed streaming live data feed. Web-based interface. For desktop and mobile devices. $260 FOR 1 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION. Binary Options Trade Copier Bridge. Binary Options Trade Copier Bridge! Copy winning trades, binary options signals between binary options platform.

Instant! Reliable! 100% Automated! Supports static lot size, dynamic lot size, martingale. Copy trades from a profitable method of professional trader and earn money. Online Binary Options Signals. 75%-80% daily win-rate! 200+ signals per day. Real-time streaming trading signals. Any currency pair, any expire time. Based on Neural Networks. Web-based interface.

No need to install. New signals are delivered dynamically to the real-time chart. $260 FOR 1 MONTH SUBSCRIPTION. Forex Robot Multi Currency Scalper. Forex Multi Currency Scalper EA is 100% automated trading robot can select the best possible trades out of 28 symbols. Based on low-risk method. Ensures trades are entered at the best possible times. Performs buy trades at lower price and sell trades at higher price. Tradingview Signals Copier. Copy profitable trading signals from the bigest social network for traders. Join the global community of traders, find ideas you like and copy best ideas and signals directly to your trading account and make profit with our Tradingview signals copier tool. Are you interested in binary options trading (Stocks, Currencies, Gold)? It is a simple, beginners way of making good money on the side!

24option Binary Options Robot this is all that you need to success in Binary Options Trading. No experience needed. Bitcoin Robot Scalper. Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot trades Bitcoin crypto-currency, works with any broker that supports bitcoin trading via Metatrader platfrom. The Bitcoin Robot doesn't require big initial capital. Bitcoin is traded around the clock, 247, 365 days a year. Binary Options Prediction Indicator. Binary Options Prediction and Trading Signal Indicator for Metatrader. Generates 90% accurate, reliable, winning trading signals. Non-Repainting!

Based on Neural Networks Algorithm. Works with any broker and any timeframe. Can send notification to mobile devices. GoMarkets Auto Trader Robot. The GoMarkets auto trading robot is the robot designed to earn for you on binary options with broker GoMarkets. The robot generates 100%-300% profit per month. Makes 50+ trades per day. Generates trading signals and automatically executes the trades direct to your linked GoMarkets broker account. Forex Visual Robot EA. The purpose of Forex Visual Robot expert adviser is to execute trades based on some chart objects: trend lines, horizontal lines or equidistant channels. The main advantage of Forex Visual Robot expert adviser is its ability to set and adjust orders according to a range of graphical objects placed on the Forex chart. Binary Options Multi Signals. Binary Options Multi Signals scans 14 separate currencies and generates trading signals up to 90% accurate. Average profit per day $500 - $5000. Based on Neural Networks Algorithm.

Shows best accurate currencies, allows to trade multi assets in the same time and allows to increase profit up to 14 times. Forex Robot Arbitrage. Forex Robot Arbitrage ✅ - profitable market neutral low risk method. No martingale ✅, no grid ✅. Trades 2 currencies in the same time. Based on statistical arbitrage method and quantitative analysis algorithm. Analyses live market data in real time and generates 90% accurate entry signals. Binarymate Robot - 100% Binary Options Auto Trading Robot! Generates stable profit for small and big deposits! Get the best auto trading software right here and get ready to trade like a pro forever! With Binarymate Robots help you can enjoy the opportunity of making several hundred dollars profit per dayweek.

3D-Forex Robot ✅ is a fully automatic Forex trading Expert Adviser based on sophisticated algorithm analyzes market data in 3D-dimensions in real time for determining the most accurate market entry points. The EA controls the market by choosing the moments with the highest probability of the positive trades for trading. Forex Account Rescuer. Loss Recovery Trader Robot (EA) 100% automatically will repair your forex account and recover your losing positions, will help you reduce and even eliminate your losing trades and help you make more gains. Simply place your trade, and our Loss Recovery Trader Robot will do the rest for you. Forex Account Defender. Account Defender protects your account from all kind of losses and helps to grow deposit safety and quickly. Account Defender is a MetaTrader expert adviser that lets you manage trades and control your profit and loss across multiple currency pairs using a number of parameters and settings.

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