суббота, 13 января 2018 г.

Forex and binary options zulutrade

Latest Forex News. Swissquote bank, the Swiss-regulated financial institution behind the forex brokerage of the same name, announced it is launching trading in four more cryptocurrencies: Ether, Litecoin, Ripple and Bitcoin Cash. The bank has been offering trading in Bitcoin since this summer and has recently launched an actively managed Bitcoin certificate that is traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange. The forex brokerage unit of Swissquote has also been offering trading in Bitcoin in partnership with the Luxembourg-licensed exchange Bitstamp, but with leverage. Read more. Coinbase, one of the world's largest and most well-known cryptocurrency exchanges, is planning to add &ldquomany more altcoins&rdquo in 2018, said the platform's co-founder and CEO Brian Armstrong in an interview for CNBC. &ldquoThe ones that are the most exciting to us that we have on the platform today are bitcoin, ethereum and litecoin, but there&rsquos many more that are going to be added to the platform in 2018 and I think this is going to be a really exciting space for all kinds of institutional investors to make money&rdquo, Armstrong said. Read more. France's financial markets and services provider AMF has added three new unregulated binary options brokers to its warning list. According to the regulator, capitaldeposit. net, emfi-placesecurity. com, xfr-financial. com have no clearly identified authorized owner, therefore dealing with them can be very risky. Our check revealed that Capital Deposits and XFR Financial are apparently targeting indeed French-speaking clients, as their sites by default open in French.

Emfi Placesecurity did not open at all. As we have warned numerous times, dealing with unlicensed brokers is much riskier than with the properly regulated ones. Read more. Austria's financial markets and services providers regulator FMA warned that the binary options broker YesOption is not licensed to offer its services in Austria. &ldquoThe provider is therefore not permitted to trade in financial futures contracts (futures) on its own account or on the account of others, including equivalent instruments settled in cash as well as call and put options on the instruments listed in the Banking Act&rdquo, the regulator said. According to FMA's announcement, the broker is owned by the company Diamond Global Solutions SRL, with an address in Romania. Read more. Hong Kong's financial markets and services provider regulator, the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has issued a warning against trading in Bitcoin futures through unregulated intermediaries. In its circular, published just a day after the world's largest largest options exchange CBOE launched trading in the first Bitcoin futures and the pending launch of similar products by CME Group, SFC notes that all financial service providers offering their services in Hong Kong must hold the relevant licenses. Despite the CBOE and CME Group being regulated by the US CFTC, their intermediaries require a license. Read more. Plus500, one of the major global forex and CFD brokerages, has added a Capital Markets Services license from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to its collection of licenses. With the new authorization, Plus500 can deal in securities and offer leverage trading in forex on the territory of Singapore.

Singapore is one of the largest forex trading centers in the world, with an average daily volume of $260-300 billion. It is one of Asia's main financial centers, with numerous banks, brokerages, fintech companies and other financial institutions based there. The financial activities and services providers are overseen by MAS. Read more. Belgium&rsquos financial markets and services providers regulator FSMA, has issued a warning against 10 forex, CFD and binary options brokers who are not authorized to offer their services in Belgium. The brokers that made it to the warning list are the following: - CMS Trader Pandorx Ventures Limited ( cmstrader. com) - FXANDCO Globe and Co Ltd ( fxandco. com) - IFT Advisory Group ( iforextrading. co. uk) - Kin Capital Chemmi Holdings ( kin-capital. com) - Markets Broker Age Capital (Payments Solutions) Ltd ( marketsbroker.

com) - Shtern Group European Soft Ltd (UK) ( shterngroup. com) - SLS Trade ( slstrade. com) - Swiss Royal Banc SRB Group ( Read more. NiceHash, one of the major bitcoin mining pools, reported a security breach resulting in hackers stealing a yet unestablished quantity of bitcoins. According to users, 4,736.42 BTC &ndash an amount worth more than $73 million at current prices &ndash has been stolen. The theft occurred after NiceHash, which provides cloud services and a marketplace for miners to rent their hash rate to others and allow them to mine Bitcoins without actually owning and operating hardware, has been down for several hours and users reported their NiceHash e-wallets have been emptied. &ldquoUnfortunately, there has been a security breach involving NiceHash website. Read more. FXCM Group, the two remaining forex, CFD and spread betting units, in which Global Brokerage, has reported a customer trading volume of $218 billion in November 2017, 14% higher than October 2017, but 30% lower than November 2016. Similarly, the average daily trading volume rose 14% month-on-month, to $9.9 billion. The number of customer trades per day in November stood at 336,465, which is 11% more than in October, but 37% lower than last November.

The number of active accounts fell 2% from October and 11% from last November. Read more. IG Group, a leading global forex and CFD broker issued a trading update for H1 of the financial year ending on May 31, 2018. According to it, the company posted a 9% of the net trading revenue year-on-year. The news comes against the background of a record Q1 2018 reported earlier this year and continuous good performance in the second quarter. Furthermore, IG says, the operating costs, excluding variable remuneration are expected to be 7% lower than H1 2017. Overall, the company expects that the operating costs will remain similar to the previous financial year. Read more. Latest forex brokers. Forex trading carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Before you engage in trading foreign exchange, please make yourself acquainted with its specifics and all the risks associated with it. All information on ForexBrokerz. com is only published for general information purposes. We do not present any guarantees for the accuracy and reliability of this information.

Any action you take upon the information you find on this website is strictly at your own risk and we will not be liable for any losses andor damages in connection with the use of our website. All textual content on ForexBrokerz. com is copyrighted and protected under intellectual property law. You may not reproduce, distribute, publish or broadcast any piece of the website without indicating us as a source. ForexBrokerz. com does not claim copyright over the imagery used on the website, including brokers' logos, stock images and illustrations. Forexbrokerz website uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Read our Privacy Policy. Zulutrade Binary Options. Zulutrade Binary Options: How to Win. Binary options have become an important product for any investor. I guess you already know what the binary options are, but if you still do not know, you can learn more here.

Such a growth of binary options has been such that Zulutrade decided to open a new list of traders dedicated to this type of product. Success has not been waiting and there are already several million dollars copying the operations of binary traders. Why copy trades from other traders? Copying the trades of other traders allows traders to diversify their operations and newcomers start with profits from the first day by copying the operations of a professional trader. A trader can be good at trading short term and on the euro dollar, but he can resist the more exotic pairs. In Zulutrade it is possible to delegate the operation to another trader and complement your operations with yours. Diversification is perfect and free of charge. Binary options allow Zulutrade users to copy not just Forex trading as they did until recently but expand diversification into global stock and index trading. Great, right? Zulu4me makes it easy. We analyze every day Zulutrade traders and evaluate their operating system, separating professional traders from those who are not. For example: Traders recommended by the Zulu4me team to copy thinking about the long term: here Traders who have made highest profit during the last week: here Traders with 100% winning users: here In fact, you can see who are the users winning more money and start to copy the same method: here. To take advantage of this you only have to open a demo or real account in Zulutrade through our link to copy the best for free and without extra costs in your trades. Soon we will have rankings for binary options traders , but for now we only analyze the forex traders given their greater antiquity and reliability.

Do you want to learn to win in Zulutrade? How to copy the best Binary Options Traders on Zulutrade. Although we recommend copying traders who operate directly in forex because of their greater antiquity and reliability of our daily valuations, there are also users who are gaining with Zulutrade binary options . To choose the best binary option traders follow these steps: Go to the Ranking of Zulutrade Binary Options Traders. Click on the column amount following . The ranking will be sorted by this criterion. Focus on only the first ones and make sure they have been operating for at least 30 weeks. Look for graphics without considerable drawdowns and look at its worst operation, it should be small relative to the best. Although it is a simple analysis, with these 3 steps you can eliminate a lot of dangerous traders. Now you can focus on completing your portfolio of binary traders. How to copy the best Zulutrade Binary Option Traders.

We know that when you start, trading and copytrading, are complex worlds. Zulu4me is made up of traders and we know how hard it is to start. Luckily, we’ve already made a lot of mistakes for you and we’re not going to let that happen to you. If you have any doubts you can contact us by the button in the lower right corner or by writing to us from the contact page. We will help you immediately, whether or not you have account with us. Try our services for free: Enjoy our services: Currency trading with leverage implies an important risk for the investor and there is always the possibility of losses. These instruments carry a high risk if they are not managed properly and a profit can quickly become loss as a result of price changes. Due to the risk factor inherent to this type of trade, only funds intended for risk investments should be used. If you do not have extra capital you may be willing to lose, you should not trade in the forex market. It has never been proven that there is any system or portfolio of systems that is completely safe and no one can insure future profits or losses. Before you start trading in the forex market you should think carefully about your goals as an investor, your level as an investor and your risk aversion to determine if this is the type of investment you want to make.

If you are in doubt you should seek advice from a professional financial advisor to advise you about the investment. Zulutrade Binary Options Review – Can it be Trusted or Scam? Zulutrade Binary Options Review – Can it be Trusted or Scam? Last Updated: Mar 5, 2017 @ 7:01 pm. Estimated reading time: 6 minutes. Traders who are new to the field of trading are quite sceptical about trading. If you are new to the field of trading and looking for an appropriate trading platform, then you are in for some hope because there is one platform out there that can genuinely help you. This platform is none other than the ZuluTrade. Now here we will have a bird’s eye view into the platform to evaluate the ability of this platform. After reading this review you will be able to assess this platform in a better way. However, before moving on to the details let us start with a brief introduction of the platform. ZuluTrade Binary Options Platform.

ZuluTrade is one platform that was founded in the year 2007. Initially, this platform was launched as a Forex Trading Platform. The core objective of this platform was to allow the traders who had significant knowledge of Forex Trading to share their knowledge with other traders out there. Recently they have introduced binary option trading as well for the binary option traders. Now what the traders can do is that they can copy the trades of other traders and can also use ZuluTrade as an auto-trading platform. ZuluTrade is also a social trading platform because the traders can get the chance to leave live comments and feedback on the activities of other traders so thus this platform helps to improve the learning of the traders. Even if the trader decides to copy the trades of other traders it gives him a chance to explore what trading is all about and that is the basic objective of ZuluTrade. This platform helps to improve the learning curve of the trader and help him reach new heights of success. This platform gives insight to those traders who lack the professional understanding about binary option trading and this platform helps these new traders to get the advice from the professional traders who have knowledge regarding the field. The objective of ZuluTrade is to provide an open environment to all the traders so that they can trade and share their knowledge as well.

Features of ZuluTrade. The following are the key features of ZuluTrade: ZuluTrade binary options platform offers Social Charts to the trader. Here the trader can create events and discuss their method. Moreover, the traders can also leave their comments in the Social Charts section so this is more of an interactive avenue for the traders. It has a Userlist as well that has the details about the users of the platform. ZuluTrade has a tradewall as well which has the details of the trades opened or closed by the trader. There is an economic calendar on the ZuluTrade binary options platform and it has the details of the important economic events. Moreover, if the trader has to follow the trades of any professional trader then there is a list of binary options traders is available and the trader can get a chance to view the profits earned by these traders. This way it gives the trader to opportunity to decide which trader he intends to follow eventually. The trader can also get an idea about the win rate of the specific trader that he intends to follow when he looks at the Trader list. The trader can simply follow the trader who seems to be an appropriate choice. Demo facility is also offered by ZuluTrade binary options trading platform. This means that if the trader wants to give this platform a try he can open up a demo account with this platform and try the system. This will give the trader a fair idea if the platform will work for him or not.

Moreover, once the trader is satisfied with the demo account he can open the live account. They has different apps available for iPhone, iPad, desktop widgets and windows phone available as well. They have a live chat option as well so if the trader has any queries, then he can put up his queries to the platform and ask the essential questions that are haunting the mind of the trader. They offer auto-trading facility as well to the trader. Click Here to Open a Binary Options Account With Zulutrade. How ZuluTrade helps traders. Well, ZuluTrade has about 100,000 traders from about 192 countries that use this platform for trading. They make use of ZuluRank proprietary algorithm that is used for ranking a trader. This algorithm tends to analyse different factors the sharp ratio, the time for which the trades remain open, the signal provider’s age, how frequently the trader logs in and the amount of the trading activity as well. What the signal providers do is that they make use of ZuluTrade for trade creation.

The signal provider here is the user of the ZuluTrade who is trading using a live or demo account. When a user performs a trade then that trade is sent to all their live and demo accounts as well in the form of a broadcasted signal. When the user places the trade then they publish the results of the trader on their website. Now if the situation is such that if a user is able to recommend profitable trades, then usually more traders will start to add him in the portfolio. Moreover, if the trade is created in a live account then ZuluTrade pays that user as per the standard ZuluTrade payment terms. Auto-trading facility. Well, ZuluTrade tends to offer the auto-trading facility to the trader as well. This means that if the trader is sceptical to trade then he should opt for the auto-trading system. This is a great help for the new traders who have less knowledge about binary option trading and this trading system helps the traders to take the next step. This is what makes ZuluTrade so exciting for the trader as it tries its utmost to come up to the expectations of the trader. Essential weakness ZuluTrade needs to work on. ZuluTrade tends to allow the users to applying their trading strategies on a demo account with infinite capital and this results in misleading outputs. They need to make this system more organized and ensure the fact that the trader gets a realistic picture of the output so that he can apply his trading strategies in the live account without any fear whatsoever.

Sign Up Now to Start Benefitting from Zulutrade Binary Options Social Trading. Now initially the approach that the trader should adopt is to try the demo account and see how it works for him. The trader should observe the fact if this platform is a profitable venture for him and only then he should continue trading with the platform. The demo account will give the trader an idea about the look and feel of the platform. However, the trader needs to make sure of one thing that he follows experienced signal providers because this is the only way that the chances of profitability increase. However, this does not deny the fact that the trader needs to develop his learning curve as well and not blindly rely on the signal providers. Verdict about ZuluTrade Binary Options. It is a comparatively a good trading platform for both the new and the professional traders. This is why the trader should give it a try, but the investor should also try to improve his learning about binary option trading with the passage of time and this will be the right move on the trader’s part. If You'd Like to Get Notified When This Blog is Updated, Subscribe Below. Related. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Help Us Fight Scams. Please Donate to Support Our Work.

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Follow Us. Valforex. com cannot be held liable for any damages incurred due to the usage of any information displayed on this website. The information and trading guides found on the website constitute the authors’ opinion only. Both Forex and Binary options involve high-risk and are not suitable for all investors. Either Forex or Binary options may not be legal in your jurisdiction. It’s visitors’ responsibility to make sure these entities are legal in their jurisdiction before engaging in trading activity… Read More. ​Don’t Fall Into the Dirty Hands Of Forex Scammers! Get Free Reports on Forex Products and Services that Really Work . Zulutrade Review & Brokers. ZuluTrade, is the worlds largest broker independent social trading network and is support by over 60 different brokerages. This means that those who open an account with ZuluTrade have a huge range of different brokerages to pick between, today we are going to outline the factors a trader needs to consider when picking a brokerage to use with ZuluTrade. In my opinion there are five main factors to consider when picking a ZuluTrade brokerage. This is the internet’s biggest ZuluTrade review.

Sit back and learn everything there is to know about it. On our TheFXView Exclusive Zulutrade guide we shall: 1. Explain what is Zulutrade and how it works. 2. Can you make money with Zulutrade? an experiment and review. 3. List our top broker choices. 4. ZuluTrade method Further explain about commissions and fees & compare relevant brokers. 5. Zulutrade+ Web Platform Review. 6. Zulutrade Alternatives. ZuluTrade (website: zulutrade. com, mobile website: m. zulutrade. com) is the biggest broker independent social trading network, which means that the platform supports a number of different Forex brokerages. I believe there are around 65 different brokerages that offer ZuluTrade support meaning that your spoilt for choice when picking a brokerage to use with the platform. On the platform you will find a wide range of different signal providers, after having found a single provider you like you can follow them. Following a signal provider means that you will copy the positions opened by the trader(s) you follow, thus automating your trading.

Of course you can set your own trading size and risk profile which will on occasion lead to your account not copying one of the traders you follow. The idea is to follow successful traders and hopefully make significant profits, though of course significant risk is still involved. Being broker independent you might ask ‘What’s in it for ZuluTrade?’. Well the answer is that brokerages that partner with ZuluTrade share revenue with the ZuluTrade network meaning that ZuluTrade gets a cut and remains broker independent. However, they do have their own brokerage AAAFx which is a good option for those wishing to use the platform. The other question you might ask ‘Is why would successful traders share their trades with other traders? Well the commission that ZuluTrade receives from the partnered brokerages is then shared with the signal providers, meaning that the best signal providers receive a significant side income if they gain a large following of traders. View Reliable Top-Rated Zulutrade Brokers: Social trading is one of the buzz words floating around the FX industry at the moment, with almost every brokerage clamoring to attract new traders by promoting the social side of trading. Many however question whether social trading is not just a gimmick aimed at attracting people to deposit money with brokerages. This view seems somewhat understandable as it appears that Social trading products are much more attractive to individuals who have less technical knowledge of Forex trading. A number of social trading networks have popped up over the last couple of years and currently the three biggest social trading networks are ZuluTrade , eToro and Tradeo . A couple of months ago, I decided to investigate the world’s biggest social trading network ZuluTrade in a bid to determine whether one could in fact make good returns from engaging in social trading. Before we move on to analyzing the offering, broker selection, and credibility of this platform, it’s important to scan through the different options of using Zulutrade. They are extremely diverse and are superior in comparison to any other social trading network or broker.

The easiest thing is to log on to the online platform at zulutrade. com, through PC, tablet or mobile, and sign up and register there. From there you will have a variety of options to log into your Zulutrade account, perform desired actions, and inspects your trades and the market: Zulutrade is also downloadable as a widget to your PC or mobile phone. Zulutrade’s app can be found on Apple’s App Store for iphone or ipad users, as well as on Google Play (named Android App + Widget), and even Windows phone, Amazon kindle and Blackberry have their own tailored apps. The Experiment and Zulutrade Review. To determine whether social trading is a viable trading option, I began an experiment using a ZuluTrade demo account. ZuluTrade demo accounts use the feed of AAAFx the official brokerage owned by ZuluTrade’s parent company. So in theory an experiment using a ZuluTrade demo account should accurately model performance provided a trader chooses to deposit with AAAFx and not one of the numerous other brokerages supported by ZuluTrade. I opted for a demo account balance of £5,000 as this seems to be the upper limit most retail investors will have available to them. The next step was to pick the signal providers, ZuluTrade provides its users with ample statistics and information regarding the various signal providers active on the site. The only gripe with ZuluTrade in this regards is that the ZuluTrade ranking system doesn’t do a particularly great job of placing the very best traders at the top of the rankings. However, if one is willing to trawl through the ample information offered regarding the various signal providers it appears possible to pick out a number of good signal providers. This makes operating a ZuluTrade account more akin to being a fund manager than a trader as practically all the tough decision making regarding opening and closing positions is taken out of your hands.

ZuluTrade back test performance. I proceeded to pick the four traders who appeared the most promisng according to my analysis. After having done this I ran a back test and according to ZuluTrade UK if I had placed £5,000 with these four traders back in 2010 by now in 2013 my account would have grown to a very impressive £10,000. Such a return far exceeds what you would expect to get from many alternative investments. I set my self the following rules for the experiment: After picking the Signal Providers, I would not change my choices. After setting up the initial risk settings, I would not alter the settings throughout the experiment. I would not manually close any of the signal providers positions, even if the positions were heavily in the red. I implemented these rules to determine whether one could make a good return with minimal management of their account. It is often claimed that ZuluTrade allows inexperienced individuals to make significant returns provided they pick the right signal providers, and I wanted to put this claim fully to the test. Performance chart After 14 days, the £5,000 account was up by £250. A very impressive 5% return.

After 21 days, the £5,000 account was up by £458. A very impressive 9.16% return. At the end of the month, the account was up by £480. For a total return of 9.6%. Analysis of the results – My UK Client Review of Zulutrade. On the face of it, these results appear exceedingly impressive, achieving a near 10% in a month is not something to scoff at. So it does appear at least possible to make some pretty good returns from simply following the correct signal providers on ZuluTrade. However, it is not really quite as simply as it would appear and I have a number of concerns regarding whether such results could be repeated. My method Concerns. In the particular month I run my experiment. Two of the signal providers chosen by me put in astonishing performances and were among the best performing signal provided that month. It appears that I may have been very lucky in my experiment. The other two signal providers performed significantly worth. One contributed a mere £18 of profit by the months end, while the other signal provider had made a small but significant loss. This shows that while you can make money from ZuluTrade there is certainly a high degree of risk involved. I spent a rather long time picking my Signal providers and despite this fact.

I only managed to pick two Signal Providers who provided me with strong performances. It seems likely that unless someone is willing to considerable research in deciding which Signal Providers to pick, ZuluTrade might not be for you. It is certainly possible to make decent returns from ZuluTrade. However, using the ZuluTrade platform also involves significant risks and could lead to some incurring significant losses. As with all forms of trading, social trading involves significant risk. I would suggest that those who are interested in trying out social trading at ZuluTrade first open a demo account. If users are significantly impressed by the platform and it’s signal providers during the demo period, they should cautiously consider opening a real money account. While remembering not to risk money they can’t afford to lose. Final notes: I have not used the mobile site ( m. zulutrade. com) or the mobile zulutrade app, but have tested both and they perform as expected of them.

ZuluTrade method: The Five Factors To Consider When Picking a Brokerage. Spreads. Slippage. Commission. Regulation. Reputation. Spreads are one of the costs of trading and the different brokerages who support ZuluTrade offer a wide range of spreads. Even a difference of 1 pip in spreads can be very substantial over the course of the year. When comparing ECN brokerages make sure to include commissions as this can significantly increase a traders transaction costs. Use the above charts, to help compare slippage. Many traders complain of significant levels of slippage when using the ZuluTrade platform, this is due to the fact that the platform has to communicate with the brokerage who then places the trade. Depending on the latency between a brokerage and ZuluTrade slippage can be quite significant, working out which brokerage suffers from the least slippage is more difficult.

There is no easy way to compare slippage on the platform, though each trader has a slippage tab where you can see the average rates of slippage experienced by the traders followers broken down by brokerage. If you are considering a particular brokerage it would be useful to look at some of these charts and see how that particular brokerage performs. Many brokerages who support the ZuluTrade platform charge their users a commission to help support the costs of integration with the platform. Again commission varies significantly from broker to broker with some brokerages charging quite significant amounts of commission. These commissions can really eat into your profits which means choosing a brokerage with low spreads and a low rate of commission can be vital to ZuluTrade success. Thankfully when picking a brokerage ZuluTrade clear displays the amount of comission charged via a sliding tab allowing for a direct comparison between brokerages. Below we have created a table displaying the 10 brokerages charging the lowest rates of commission. Here at the Fx View, we always recommend doing business with regulated brokerages as this gives you a certain level of protection and often insurance against brokerage collapse etc. While the majority of the brokerages on ZuluTrade are regulated either in the European Union or the US there are a number of unregulated brokerages which are supported by the ZuluTrade platform. While a number of traders have reported success with these unregulated brokerages, I would still recommend that traders pick a regulated brokerage whenever possible. Those reading this in the US will be limited to the five US regulated brokerages who offer ZuluTrade support, as non US regulated brokerages are unable to accept US clients.

Just as you would with any other product or service, make sure you check out a brokerages reputation before depositing. You can do this by searching out honest and unbiased reviews of the brokerage online, as well as asking around in trading communities and elsewhere. There are a number of high caliber brokerages available to those who want to use the ZuluTrade brokerage, so traders would be well served getting the opinions of others regarding which brokerage would suit there needs the best. By taking the above factors in consideration when picking a brokerage to use ZuluTrade with, customers will maximize their chances of success. Our Top ZuluTrade Broker: Many people are interested in whether such social trading networks actually work. Well the answer to this question really depends on the choices you make work out. If you make well thought out choices and these performers continue to perform well then there is a good chance you will make some quite significant returns using the ZuluTrade platform. However, there is tendency for some signal providers performances to turn sour and thus lead to their followers losing money. I do believe it is possible to make some impressive returns with the ZuluTrade platform if your choices are made in a considered and thoughtful manner. In my experiment I managed to make a 9.6% return in the space of the month. Though as with all forms of financial trading their are significant risks involved. How much expertise do you need for ZuluTrade? Many are attracted to social trading networks as they see it as a way to make money from trading without having to have in-depth knowledge regarding the subject. However, your going to need to know a little bit about what makes a good Forex system and what proper risk management involves in order to make proper decisions regarding which signal providers to follow and which signal providers to ignore.

ZuluTrade does provide a ranking of the signal providers on their platform, however it often said that this ranking system isn’t particularly useful with it ranking some overly risking strategies towards the top of the list. This means that is strongly recommended that you do you own research before placing your hard earned cash with any highly rated signal provider. Ease Of Use. ZuluTrade is not a guaranteed get rich scheme nor should it be viewed as a quick way to get rich from Forex. What ZuluTrade is, however is the biggest broker independent social trading network, which features a number of highly successful traders who you can follow. In conclusion I would say that ZuluTrade has great potential for those interested in making money from Forex trading, however as with all forms of trading their are significant risks which individuals should be aware of before they risk their hard earned cash. Why do brokers charge commission? ZuluTrade charges brokerages which use the service 1 pip on each trade placed via the network. The network then uses this to pay both signal providers and affiliates with signal providers receiving 0.4 pips for each live trade placed by a follower. If the user has been referred to the network by an affiliate the affiliate will also receive 0.4 pips for each live trade placed via the network. Meaning that ZuluTrade take between 0.2-0.6 pips per trade placed using their social trading network.

Brokerages are able to decide how much commission they can charge to the end user with some brokerages choosing not to pass on the full amount to their end users. By doing so these brokerages are ultimately sacrificing some of the mark-up they are make on their spreads, but this trade off can be worth it as the ZuluTrade service can bring significant volume to the brokerage. You will also find some brokerages charging more than 1 pip commission for use of ZuluTrade services. In addition to paying commission to ZuluTrade, brokerages face a number of other costs when offering ZuluTrade to customers. For instance brokerages will have to implement certain technological solutions to allow ZuluTrade to interface with the servers etc. In addition brokerages that operate using a market maker model may want to charge extra commission in order to make it easier to profitably make a market. These reasons are why the commission charged varies massively broker to broker. AAAFX is the only brokerage supported by ZuluTrade which doesn’t charge the end user commission for using the ZuluTrade service, due to the fact that AAAFx is a subsidiary of ZuluTrade. The fact that AAAFx is a subsidiary of ZuluTrade means they do not need to charge any commission as they are not charged for using ZuluTrade. In addition to not charging commission, AAAFx are the only brokerage whose systems are fully integrated with the service meaning users experience some of the lowest rates of slippage with AAAFx.

List of Brokers Available Via ZuluTrade. Importance of Commission. Commission is one of the factors that traders should consider when picking a brokerage to use in conjunction with ZuluTrade . The amount of commission ranges quite significantly with some brokerages charging up to 3.2 pips commission per trade. With some of ZuluTrade’s top signal providers making an average of 10 pips per trade, 3.2 pips of commission can really eat into your profits or make your losses significantly worse. If you experience significant slippage you may lose several pips per trade in commission and slippage which can often be the difference between turning a profit and making a loss. Commission is just one of the factors you should consider when picking a ZuluTrade brokerage and it is important to take other factors into account including spreads, regulation and slippage. It is also important to remember that all forms of trading involve significant amounts of risk and it is important to seek independent advice if you are unsure whether social trading is for you. ZuluTrade one of the early pioneers of social trading has announced the launch of it’s new web based trading platform, which will support the all new ZuluScripts language allowing signal providers to share their trading signals via the web based platform. At the time of writing the product was still in beta and has only been offered to those who provide signals, however the trading platform is set to be rolled out to all clients using the ZuluTrade network. The new platform’s ZuluScript feature will allow for traders to create scripts which can carry out trades should the scripts parameters have been met.

According to those with development experience, ZuluScripts and the ZuluTrade+ platform are compatible with code from other third party platforms. This should allow for users of the ZuluTrade+ platform to run Expert Advisors (EA’s) programmed for the popular MetaTrader 4 & 5 platform. According to press from ZuluTrade, the code behind ZuluScripts is a super set of the “C” language code, which would allow the scripting language to be at least somewhat compatible with code used by other trading platforms. With the new ZuluTrade+ platform being web based, the use of a VPS service is not necessary should one want to run their trading script 247, with it being possible to simply save all the settings onto ZuluTrade’s servers. This is likely to be very popular with traders who won’t be required to keep their machines running non-stop or alternatively shell out for VPS services. ZuluTrade has released a creation guide to help clients of the company create, compile and use their own ZuluScripts trading robots. Which aims to ease individuals into the new scripting language and help them making any necessary adjustments to robots they had using on other platforms. The ZuluTrade+ platform is currently in beta, but will be released to all users of the ZuluTrade platform. A Solution to the MetaQuotes Dispute? ZuluTrade and other social trading networks made the news in 2013 when they came under fire from MetaQuotes the developer of MetaTrader 4 & 5. MetaQuotes stated that they believed that these third party products were in breach of the firms licence agreements. In recent months a number of brokerages who previously offered ZuluTrade services to their clients withdrew the product, with brokerages such as HotForex and Alpari RU discontinuing their ZuluTrade accounts. Some have speculated that these brokerages were worried about potential action from MetaQuotes and sought to distance themselves from ZuluTrade in order to maintain healthy relationships with MetaQuotes who provide the MetaTrader 4 & 5 platforms which are so popular among their client base. The new ZuluTrade+ platform could potentially resolve such issues allowing brokerages to partner and work with the social trading network without having to potentially breach their licensing agreement with software providers.

It remains to been seen whether the brokerages which withdraw their support for ZuluTrade will return to the platform or will just continue on regardless. Zulu Trade Alternatives? Zulutrade is the best rated social trading platform on TheFXView. com. If you are looking for additional options, they can be located below: Also launched back in 2008, ZipSignals are one of the pioneers in the copy trading industry. Like ZuluTrade, the copy trading service is brokerage independent which means traders can choose which brokerage to use in conjunction with the service. Traders have the option of using one the networks supported brokerages or alternatively pay for a subscription to the ZipSignals service. The fee for using your own non-supported brokerage is pretty hefty and will mean the majority of people interested in the service will likely open an account with one of the six supported brokerages. ZipSignals allow signal providers to provide their signals via demo or real accounts, though in reality the majority of the platforms signal providers use to demo accounts to provide their signals. Many people prefer to only follow signal providers who are risking their own funds, for these people the list of eligible signal providers will be much smaller. Additionally, the search functionality is pretty tricky making it hard to properly evaluate which signal providers to follow.

It also not possible to download full historic performance which prevents users doing sophisticated offline analysis of signal providers trading history. ZipSignals is not a bad alternative to use and the service is completely free should you use one of the services supported brokerages. Unfortunately, it is difficult to properly analysis the performance of many of the platforms signal providers and users have reported average slippage of around 2 pips, which is pretty significant. MyDigiTrade is another ZuluTrade alternative that traders may want to consider. Like ZuluTrade & ZipSignals, the MyDigiTrade service is brokerage independent meaning that traders can choose one of around 15 different brokerages to use with the copy trading service. There is no fee for using the service provided you open an account with one of the supported brokerages via the MyDigiTrade website. The copy trading service boasts a significant number of signal providers, with many of the providers boasting some pretty impressive historic performances. The search functionality is pretty advanced allowing traders to filter out signal providers based on their particular preferences. You can also evaluate each traders prior performance in a pretty detailed manner, making it relatively easy to work out which signal provider may be worth copying. It also possible to see the full trading history of each signal provider, though there is no easy way to download this into Excel or CSV file. MyDigiTrade is worth considering if your looking for an alternative to ZuluTrade, though it should be noted that the service doesn’t support such a wide range of brokerages and that the range of signal providers is more limited.

It is possible to try out the MyDigiTrade service with a free demo account before you decide to take the dive with real money. eToro launched back in 2008 has become the world’s largest social trading network boasting a total of 200,000 users. eToro differs quite significantly from ZuluTrade, as it provides a more complex social trading experience emphasizing connecting traders with one another rather than merely being a copy trading service. The service is not brokerage independent and all liquidity is provided by eToro themselves, something which may be off putting for those who want to use their brokerage of choice. Though one advantage of eToro is that there is no cost involved in using their Copy trading services. The social trading network boasts a huge number of users to follow and some the networks traders have boasted impressive historic performance. Overtime the network has introduced much more complicated filtering allowing for traders to better analyse the past performance of those using the social trading platform. The platform also goes beyond just FX trading, with users being able to trade a range of Commodities, Precious Metals, Bitcoin and popular Stocks on the platform. This is something that sets eToro apart from the other services mentioned in this article. Etoro may not be a bad choice for those looking for a social trading network where they can trade a wide range of different instruments. The social trading network also boasts a large user base and has made the network particularly easy to use for inexperienced traders. Though many aren’t fan of the relatively wide spreads and what they deem to be poor execution. FxStat is a copy trading platform in a similar vein to ZuluTrade, and is available via a number of different FX brokerages including ( FXCC , Yadix & JustForex). Additionally, it is possible for those who are using a brokerage which does not offer the platform to tap into FxStat’s copy trading network for a fee.

It is recommended that those interested in the FxStat product use the product in conjunction with one of the brokerages offering the platform as part of their package, as generally this is the more cost effective option for traders. The FxStat platform boasts a significant number of signal providers, with FxStat requiring that Signal Providers go through quite an intensive vetting process in order to be allowed to share their Signals with the platforms users. Additionally, only those trading from a real verified account are able to become a Signal Provider on the FxStat platform. This has helped ensure that the quality of signal providers remains high and avoids some of the pitfalls associated with the other networks featured in this piece. FxStat may be a good choice for those looking for a copy trading network which tightly controls exactly who can provide signals. The only downside is that it costs around 1 pip per lot, to use the service with the majority of the companies supported brokerages and typically costs more if you want to use a brokerage who has not entered into a partnership with FxStat. Other ZuluTrade alternatives. Unfortunately, the growth of the socialcopy trading industry over the last couple of years means there is simply not enough space to cover all the alternatives to ZuluTrade in one article. But here are some of the other example you might want to consider: FxCopy: Operated by the owners of Vantage FX, this social trading network allows you to copy a decent range of Signal Providers for free. Despite being operated by Vantage FX’s parent company the network can be used in conjunction with a number of different brokerages. Those wanting to become Signal Providers will only earn commission if they are with Vantage FX, Land FX, MXT and Capital Trust Markets. ForexGlobes: The company is a brokerage independent social trading network, allowing traders to use a variety of different brokerages. Tradency: Differs from the other services listed, as it’s more like a trading platform with socialcopy trading functionality built in. The platform gives it’s users the opportunity to automatically or manually copy the trading signals of a wide variety of traders.

The platform is available at number of different brokerages. ZuluTrade Binary Options Review. Launched in 2008, ZuluTrade has become one of the largest social trading networks in terms of active traders. ZuluTrade until has focused solely on Spot FX with over 30,000 signal providers sharing their positions with users of the social trading network. In May 2014, ZuluTrade announced that it would be partnering with SpotOption to offer Binary Option copy trading, this would make ZuluTrade the first established social trading network to branch off into the Binary Options world. Non-exchanged traded Binary Options as offered by SpotOption powered Binary Option brokerages have received a lot of criticism due to many seeing them more akin to gambling. Despite this the instrument has gained a degree of popularity and this is reflected by ZuluTrade’s move into the Binary Option sphere. ZuluTrade for Binary Options, works in a very similar fashion to the more established Spot FX product. ZuluTrade allows for individuals to sign up as Signal Providers, these Signal Providers are then paid commission based on the number of live followers they gain. Traders are able to provide Signals from a demo account or one of the supported SpotOption powered Binary Option brokerages.

At the time of writing the vast majority of the top rated signal providers, where using demo accounts provided by ZuluTrade. For those providing signals from a demo account, there is the possibility to earn commission without risky any capital themselves. ZuluTrade has received a fair amount of criticism in the past for allowing those using demo accounts the ability to provide signals. As with Forex signal providers, ZuluTrade. com Binary Options uses a proprietary algorithm to rank signal providers. The signal providers that ZuluTrade deem to offer the best signals are placed at the top of the pile, and generally tend to gain the largest followings. The ZuluTrade algorithm has also received criticism in the past for not picking out the best signal providers. Again it appears that many of the top Binary Signal providers have made huge returns but may have taken significant risks in the process or have witnessed large swings in account equity. Using Zulutrade Binary Options is also possible via mobile through a designated app for iPhone, Android, Amazon, Windows Phone and Blackberry. ZuluTrade for Binary Options is a relatively new product, only being fully launched by the company in late 2014. This means that at the time of writing the majority of the signal providers on the service had only been active for a few weeks.

Some of this Signal Providers had posted huge returns during this time frame, but during our extensive search of the signal providers using the platform we were unable to find any traders offering signals from a real money account. This is something which may put many traders off, as real account performance can often vary significantly in comparison to the kind of performance experienced when using a demo account. In addition, we were unable to find any signal providers who had managed to attract live followers, despite the fact that many of the top providers had accrued several hundred demo account followers. This seems to suggest that many using the platform are sceptical regarding putting real money into Binary Options copy trading, until they get feedback from other users. This is perfectly understandable considering the fact that ZuluTrade are pioneers in this regard, being the first to launch fully fledged Binary Options social trading. There is also an additional concern that may weigh on the mind of many traders. It has been suggested that copy trading is infeasible in conjunction with Binary Options. This is because for a Binary Options provider to remain profitable a majority of traders must lose, with a traders loss being equal to a brokerages profit. If a large number of traders place the same winning positions with a particular Binary broker, this presents a risk management problem which appears to have no easy solution. This might explain why only a small fraction of the 200 Binary Option brokers powered by SpotOption have made the decision to link up with ZuluTrade. Conclusion For ZuluTrade Binary Options Review. ZuluTrade have made a bold move to expand their product offering and cater for Binary Option traders through desktop and mobile offering.

There seems to be a significant demand for such a product considering the number of people who have signed up to provide signals and try the product out with demo accounts. Whether the product really takes of remains to be seen and there is really insufficient evidence to state whether Binary Options copy trading is something which is worth serious consideration. This is the internet’s most comprehensive ZuluTrade review and guide. We hope you have enjoyed it. CustomerUser Zulutrade Reviews – Add Below. 4 thoughts on &ldquo Zulutrade Review & Brokers &rdquo I’ve been trading on Zulutrade for 2 years, testing dozens of strategies. Check my account Adrian Trader IV for a method which has been working for 8 months.

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